SOLIDWORKS Student Version Download | Get Full Version For Free

In this article, you will learn how to download the SolidWorks student version of the software. What is SolidWorks? SolidWorks is a CAD software containing powerful tools that you can use to make designs with ease and to enhance and quicken the manufacturing process. Also, the SolidWorks process will help you to stay on top of your goals daily until you complete the project. Additionally, the software has data management tools that you can use to collaborate with stakeholders in your organization or projects.
Another of its feature is prototyping virtually which improves innovation and quality. Additionally, you have three types of SolidWorks Students products. They are Student Engineering Kit, Student Design Kit, and Student Edition software. So, if you are wondering if there is a free student version of Solidworks? No. There is none. However, you have SolidWorks Student Edition for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
But, you have to buy any of those versions or both in a DVD or a download, and use software for a year. But, if your school is eligible for a Student Engineering Kit (SEK) then you may get a serial number plus a SEK-ID from a reseller in your locality. In that case, visit and fill out the form on the website to begin the download procedure. But, if you buy a Student Design Kit (SDK) from a local reseller, then you can visit and fill out the form and follow the instructions there to download it.
Also, you will get a serial number by email. Finally, if you bought a Student Edition (SE) online or through a reseller in your locality, then you will receive an email with the installation guideline inside. Therefore, here are the steps to enable you to download the SolidWorks student version.
SolidWorks student version – System requirements
The supported and operating system and hardware requirements for the Windows and Macintosh operating system for SOLIDWORKS are listed below. Windows Operating: Windows 10, 64-bit, Windows 8.1, 64-bit, processor, 3.3 GHz or newer, RAM, 16 GB or more. Macintosh Operating System: Mojave 10.14, macOS High Sierra 10.13. You can get full system requirements by Learning more.
Downloading Solidworks student version
Here are the download steps for qualified educators, makers, hobbyists, military, students and sponsored organizations that qualify. After filling the form on the page, you will receive download instructions and licensing serial number by email to the address you gave.
- Therefore, if your school is eligible, click the link to fill out the form before you get access to download the software
- Fill out the form accurately. Enter a serial number or SEK ID from your school or trial code, of the version you want to download, email address, and select whether you are a student or teacher or a hobbyist and so on.
- And then click on the Request Download button.
- You will receive by email the Instructions and the license serial number.
Related: Revit Student Version Download for Mac/Windows
If you have a serial number that starts with (9020…), follow these steps to download software
- Now visit the link
- And then, choose “Yes” for the Choice that says “I already have a serial number that starts with 9020”
- Finally, select the right SolidWorks student version from the drop-down list you see.
- And when the download starts you will need to enter your serial number to install and activate the license.
But if you have an SDK-ID, follow these steps to download software
1. Visit the link
2. And choose “No” for the option that says “I already have a serial number that starts with 9020” (Note: that in this case your serial numbers will be shown on screen later, and also sent to you by email, once you go on for the downloading)
3. So Type in your SDK-ID (That you got from your teacher/professor at school/college/university)
4. And select the right SOLIDWORKS version from the drop-down list shown
- Note, that during the download, you will need your serial number to install and activate the license.
Steps for installing Solidworks student version
After downloading software or if you have the software on a DVD, follow these steps to install the SolidWorks student version on your computer.
- Slot in the first DVD into your computer and run the setup.exe file. But, if you do not have a DVD, then go to and apply for a download of the Installation Manager by completing the form on the page. Note, that you must have a School License ID, SDK-ID or SEK-ID to fill the form.
- When the Installation Manager is running, choose the option of “Individual (on this computer)” and then click the “next button ” arrow.
- And enter the serial numbers of the products that you want to install.
- Also, click on the “next button ” arrow to go on to the next step.
- Assuming you want to install all the products on the page, click the next arrow, or else click “product selection. Note that after clicking on “product selection”, another screen will open for you to choose and remove products. But, you can only select products that you have the serial number for and have access to.
- Besides, after choosing the products you would like to install in the Solidworks student version software, select Next.
- At this point, the Installation Manager will verify whether your system can contain the SolidWorks products you are trying to mount. This will take some time and if it is okay or there is a problem you will see the prompt on the screen.
- After checking your system and it passes the check, you will see a summary screen showing all the products that you are installing.
- Accept the terms and conditions by checking the box and then click on install.
- Note, that when you are installing without the DVDs, SolidWorks must first download all the data before it will install. But, if you are using a DVD, you have to insert the second DVD at a point during the installation process.
- Once the installation is complete, click on “finish” and begin to use your SolidWorks products.
- That is how to download the Solidworks student version.
In this post, we explained how to download the SolidWorks student version. Also, the software is not free. In addition, except your school is eligible for the School License ID, you must have either the SDK-ID or SEK-ID to fill the form and download the software. And to install software, follow the above guideline and use it for a year.