The Best Student Discount Apps
College life isn’t cheap. Aside from the sky high tuition fees, there’s accommodation, study materials, and living expenses to pay for. That’s where student discounts come in. We’ve rounded up some of the most popular student discount apps that can help cut the cost of streaming music and TV as well as the all-important software that will help you ace your course.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Is design or content creation a big part of your course? Add that extra pro touch to your projects with Adobe Creative Cloud. It’s got over 20 apps that will help you create stunning visuals and designs whether you’re doing graphic design, video editing, creating social media content, or editing photographs. The full price of the package is $52.99 per month, but the student discount takes it down to a more manageable $19.99.
Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime is a great one-stop shop where you can get super-fast delivery, stream TV shows and films, and listen to music all for one low monthly price. Try it free for the first six months, then after that, it’s $7.49 per month. Once your free trial is up, you’ll have access to so many more exclusive student deals like money off flights and discounts on apps and other student essentials.
Apple Music
Love listening to music while you study or during study breaks? Apple music is one of the student discount apps that students love. This is because you can get a subscription for 48 months for only $5.99. The subscription also comes with access to Apple TV+ for a limited time. Do check the current offer as the time period varies from 7 days to three months if you’ve got a new apple device.
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office is an absolute must for students. Whether you’re typing up an essay in word, putting together a spreadsheet in Excel, or building a presentation in PowerPoint, you’ll be delighted to know that you can get it for free!
Staying healthy is important when you’re studying. A healthy mind and body helps you perform better. But let’s face it, with college and probably a part-time job, and a social life to fit in, finding time to exercise can be a challenge. Well, it’s not anymore. On-demand exercise is where it’s at. Workout with the Peloton app which offers students on-demand running, bootcamps, strength, cardio, and yoga workouts for a reasonable $6.99 per month.
YouTube Music
YouTube Music is definitely one of the student discount apps that’s worth paying for. We’ve all experienced the annoyance of ads interrupting our favourite music or yoga videos. Students can subscribe for just $5.49 a month and get ad-free streaming. Oh yeah, and your first month is free!
Want more student discounts?
Head over to Unidays, a one-stop shop for student discounts on everything from fashion to tech and travel.