How to start using Edpuzzle for students

Edpuzzle is a tool used to edit videos online for educational purposes. It has numerous features that give teachers the ability to cut, edit, crop, and organize videos for their students. Edpuzzle is a platform that enhances student and teacher engagement. It is very easy to use for everyone involved. Additionally, it also provides content-based assessments and lets the videos be created to be used in or out of schools. Edpuzzle is an educational platform that provides tools that makes learning engaging, easy, and progressive for students.
Using Edpuzzle as a student: Overview
Edpuzzle is an online educational tool that lets educators create video content and share it with students. The videos can then be edited with other content to make them more useful. Teachers can add commentaries, voiceovers, questions, and many more. The application also lets teachers view students’ engagements with each of their creations. This means teachers will be able to know the different reactions of students to their videos. Feedback is an important part of studying and Edpuzzle has provided a platform that makes this possible.
Furthermore, teachers and students using Edpuzzle can share their ready-made projects. There are tons of videos available for use. Rather than recording and uploading your video, Edpuzzle lets you make use of videos for other platforms like Khan Academy, Crash Course, and YouTube.
Teachers can use Edpuzzle for accountability. They can check the number of students watching videos and the number of times they are watching every section. The videos also make self-paced learning possible. Students can learn on their own and understand lessons at their own pace, unlike the traditional classroom.
How to start using Edpuzzle for students
It is quite easy to get Edpuzzle whether you are a teacher or student. Students that want to begin using this platform need to first visit their official website. Then click on the signup button at the top right of the page. Input all the required information to complete your signing up. Once you have done that, you now have access to the basic plan of the software.
This plan is free and does not require any payment if you are a student. However, there are few limitations for teachers. Edpuzzle free plan has certain limitations for storage space. Once it is full, you begin deleting your contents to create spaces for new ones or go for the Teachers Pro License. We will discuss more on Edpuzzle pricing later in this post.
Pricing of Edpuzzle
Edpuzzle offers users 3 pricing options. They have the free, Pro Teacher and the Schools & Districts. The basic subscription of Edpuzzle is free for teachers and students. It provides access to millions of videos. Educators can create video lessons with audio and notes. They also have the space to save up to 20 videos and can see detailed analytics. The Pro Teacher is $11.50 monthly and it offers all the basic plans with unlimited storage space and support.
Schools & Districts subscription gives all teachers the platform with all the features from the Pro Teacher plan.
Features of Edpuzzle
Edpuzzle has tons of tools that help teachers provide engaging and intuitive videos to students. When making a video on web-based applications, you can insert images, add rich text, embed links, and create formulas when needed. Prevent Skipping is a tool on Edpuzzle that stops students from speeding through a video. This means they are stuck with watching every clip, taking notes, and answering any question that appears on the screen. Furthermore, students will not be able to play the videos in the background. This means whatever they do, they will have to watch the video.
Embedding voice in videos is also a great feature that Edpuzzle provides. Students are likely to be attentive when they hear a familiar voice speaking to them. Teachers can record their voices with the video contents to make it more understandable for students. Educators can also use the projects feature to assign individual tasks to students so that they can create their own videos. They can also assign them videos to watch from home. Edpuzzle has all the wonderful features that have proven to be engaging and effective over the years.
Conclusion (How to use Edpuzzle for students)
Finally, Edpuzzle creates quality interactive and engaging lessons to benefit students worldwide. They have tools and features that make the process simple and easy. Teachers can watch their progress by making use of the tools provided by Edpuzzle.