GitHub Student Pack

What is the GitHub Student Pack?
The GitHub Student Pack is a package of free software and tools for students that give them real world development experience. In a hands-on field where practical skills and experience are everything, software tools can be prohibitively expensive. Not so now that GitHub have made this package available at no cost to students.
Why the GitHub Student Pack is the Software You Need
The pack gives students completely free access to tools used by some of the world’s best developers. You’ll have access to more than 100 tools covering Data Science, Gaming, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, APIs, Integrated Development Environments, Version Control Systems, Cloud Hosting Platforms, Code tutorials, BootCamps, Continuous Integration platforms, payment platforms, and more.
How to Get the GitHub Student Pack
Step 1: Visit GitHub Education then click on ‘Student Developer Pack’.
Step 2: Click on ‘Sign up for Student Developer Pack’. In the ‘Individuals’ section click on ‘Get Student benefits’.
Step 3: Enter your school email address and sign up.
Step 3: Follow the instructions on the screen and take photos of your school ID and other proof of your student status.
Step 4: Enter your school’s name.
Step 5: Describe briefly how you are going to use GitHub for Students.
Step 6: Click on the green ‘Submit information’ button.
You’ll receive an email within a few days confirming that your application has been approved*
*This can take longer at certain times of the year, for example at the start of a new semester.
Who is Eligible for the GitHub Student Pack?
You are eligible to access the GitHub Student pack at no cost if you:
Are currently enrolled on a diploma or degree course of study, at a high school, secondary school, college, or university.
Have a verified school-issued email account and can provide proof of your current student status.
Create a GitHub personal account.
Are at least 13 years of age
Developer tools and software are traditionally expensive which is not great news for students who need hands-on real world experience. Luckily, GitHub provides students with everything they need to gain the practical development skills they need. Not just for their degree or diploma courses, but for their futures.