Anydesk for Students

Remote learning and collaboration has become the norm in the past few years especially. However, it’s not without its problems. Dropped connections, slow internet, and other glitches can make it a frustrating experience. But not anymore, thanks to Anydesk for Students. What is Anydesk for Students? Anydesk for students is a remote desktop software that… Continue reading Anydesk for Students

Rhino for Students

What is Rhino for Students? Rhino, or Rhino 3D, is computer-aided design software and it’s one of the most widely-used 3D modelling applications in the world. As you can probably imagine, it’s popular in the world of design, architecture, engineering, and manufacturing. If you’re a student in any one of these fields, it’s a must-have.… Continue reading Rhino for Students

AutoCAD 2023 Student Version

What is AutoCAD 2023 Student Version? AutoCAD is a computer-aided design software developed by the company Autodesk. It allows you to draw and edit designs in 2D or 3D and save them in the cloud for easy anytime access. The student version of AutoCAD has all the features of the commercial version and even better,… Continue reading AutoCAD 2023 Student Version

NordVPN Latest Version Download – Step by Step guide

The latest version of NordVPN is available for download. When you download this version, you will have access to all of its newly released features and security tools. NordVPN is a VPN application for different operating systems. It is used for Linux, Windows, MACOS, and mobile devices. The software’s main function is to encrypt internet… Continue reading NordVPN Latest Version Download – Step by Step guide

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How to get Salesforce for students

SalesForce is software available for students, staff, and educational institutions. The software is well-known for providing the tools and functions for businesses to excel and improve productivity. SalesForce is a known powerful solution for businesses around the world. However, the software is also highly beneficial to education. There are hundreds of institutions that are using… Continue reading How to get Salesforce for students

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